The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion on Decision Making
We’ve long touted the benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Inclusion isn't simply something that's "nice to do," or even...
How Offensive Actions, or Words, Can Impact Your Team
Just one day after Cam Newton made what were largely interpreted to be sexist comments towards a female sports reporter, he lost out on a...
In Saudi Arabia Inclusion is a Business Imperative
The big news out of Saudi Arabia in September wasn’t ongoing conflict in Yemen or the transition to power of new, young Crown Prince...
Another Tech Company, Twitter, Takes Steps to Impact Inclusion
We recently covered news on the appointment of Denise Young Smith as Apple’s new Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion. Well, Apple...
Apple Takes a Big Bite of Diversity and Inclusion
Apple has been in the news recently. Not just for the introduction of the latest versions of its iPhone—iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, but for the...
Understanding Employee Differences: Be Inclusive!
In a recent article for Harvard Business Review, Henrik Bresman and Vinika D. Rao looked at a 19-country survey to analyze the...
Don't Fall Into the "Skills Gap" Trap
The business media is continually reporting the unemployment rate is falling. In early August, the rate fell to around 4.3 percent. The...
Skill Development and Inclusion for New Workplace Cohorts
Millennials (Generation Y) are the largest cohort in the U.S. labor market, surpassing Generation X as of Q1, 2015, according to the Pew...
What Google Needs to Learn About Inclusion
A recently published “manifesto” by a Google software engineer has once again placed the issue of women in the tech industry in the...
Questions About Family Planning Point to Unconscious Bias
New Zealand has a long history of progressive culture and politics. As the country’s government website proudly boasts, this sparsely...