Executive Development
Recent unconscious bias research has told us what we’ve known for years! Unconscious bias training alone doesn’t have lasting impact. However, focusing on inclusive leader behaviors, competencies and action planning creates sustainable change. That’s why we have incorporated unconscious bias in our Inclusive Leader Executive Development program. As a result of this work, leaders will uncover their unconscious biases, be able to target specific inclusive leader competencies and behaviors they need to develop, and explore the application in their business.
Inclusive Leader 360 Assessment
Building an inclusive workplace culture rests on leaders who demonstrate the ability to engage a full range of stakeholders in the workplace. This is why a 360 degree evaluation is the most appropriate approach for measuring inclusive leadership skills. The benefits of using the Inclusive Leader 360 are below.
Learn how your staff, peers, and internal or external customers perceive your inclusive leadership skills.
Compare reviewer feedback of those who are like you with those who are different. i.e.: gender, ethnicity, country of residence, age.
Review how consistently you behave with all stakeholders across different levels or among diverse members of your global team.
Realign your leadership strategies to be more effective as a leader.
Executive Coaching
InclusionINC’s executive coaches work closely with senior executives to help them clearly understand the importance, value, benefit and ROI of inclusion to the organization. Additionally, we provide coaching individually or in teams, on how their role as leaders is key to helping all employees understand commitment to embracing inclusion as part of the organization’s future direction.
Executive Development Program
InclusionINC’s inclusive leader development program aligns with the Learning Over Time strategy and provides many touch points for an executive over time to create behavioral change. Each executive is paired with an InclusionINC Executive Coach to complete a three tiered development plan. This plan includes individual discovery (individual assignments to increase self-awareness and knowledge), individual development (work with executive coach to create personal inclusion plan) and group exploration (learning dialogues with executive coach and peers). All activities in the development plan are focused on building the core competencies of inclusive leadership and reducing the impact of unconscious bias.