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The Learning Over Time® Strategy Goes Virtual!

Sustainable Inclusion Learning Solutions for Your Organization
Online Class

The “dip and done” strategy does not work. InclusionINC has adapted all of our learning offerings to be delivered virtually while continuing to align with our Learning Over Time Strategy to create sustainable behavior change. We utilize Zoom polling, small group breakouts and interactive group discussion to keep participants engaged in facilitated group sessions. We continue to offer e-learning modules for individual learning and InclusionACTIVITIES for team-based learning.

The Learning Over Time® application methodologies allow clients to reach the maximum number of employees in time-sensitive and cost-effective deliveries. Senior Leaders may go through virtual facilitated group sessions, while front line employees may complete our Core Inclusion Curriculum through e-learning and/or participate in InclusionACTIVITIES led by their managers and supervisors. We work with our clients to customize delivery methods and rollout timelines to best fit their workplace environment and desired learning outcomes.

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