Exciting News!

We are excited to announce Shirley Engelmeier’s newest book Deliberate Disruption: Unraveling the Anti-DEI Ideology & Getting Back to Why DEI Works will be launching on August 2nd!
In this must read, Engelmeier brings her 25 years of experience in inclusion, diversity and equity to unravel Anti-DEI beliefs and expose them for what they are – a three-year disinformation campaign. Engelmeier and her organization InclusionINC have been linking inclusion, diversity and equity to business success. Her underlying message reminds us that Inclusion, Diversity and Equity work.
The Anti-DEI pushback is not real! It is highly orchestrated strategies by well-funded think tanks with the purpose of spreading intentional disinformation. The anti-DEI messaging that started in fringe media has moved to mainstream alongside state legislation dramatically impacting DEI initiatives. Engelmeier exposes what is driving the anti-DEI minority world view.
Most importantly, she reminds us at every turn about the profitability of DEI by providing:
Validated global research that proves creating a culture of inclusion drives engagement, retention, productivity and innovation.
Extensive and credible research about the overall high profitability of having diverse employees in leadership dismantling the anti-DEI ideologues positions.
A reasoned approach that ultimately inclusion, diversity and equity is about meeting the needs of changing clients and customers to sell more goods and services.
Pre-order your ebook here!