Stacy Estrada, M.B.A., M.A., A.B.D.
Facilitator & Producer
With over 7+ years of training and experience in leadership development, Stacy’s specialty is working with young women who come from disadvantaged communities in order to help increase their self-confidence and inspire them to be leaders for their communities.
As a student, Stacy volunteered in multiple peace and leadership development programs both in her
community and internationally. “I always had an interest in leadership, and it is my strong belief that
education is at the core of good leadership, and sustainable community development.” District 5330
selected Stacy as a Global Grant Scholar in 2019 and funded her master’s and Ph.D. studies at the
Universidad Para La Paz, Costa Rica.
During her 2 year stay in Costa Rica, Stacy began working with a UNHCR funded organization supporting
Latin American, refugee status individuals who were in transition from conflict zones to host countries.
Stacy assisted in creating peace education curriculum centered on social emotional learning for pre-teen
to adult learners.
Today, Stacy is completing her Ph.D. dissertation on the Perception of Leadership from First-Generation
Latinas. Stacy incorporates the theory of self-efficacy and LatCrit Theory in order to answer the
question: What motivates first-generation Latinas toward leadership?
In addition to her education, Stacy currently serves as the Interim Director of Corporate Sponsorships
for LatinaVIDA, a 501c3 organization aimed at serving women of color and positioning them for
leadership roles in their careers and community. She specializes in helping young women develop their
self-confidence as they evolve into the next level of their educational and professional trajectories.
In addition to her passion of working with Latinas, Stacy also writes children’s books and is currently
working on a series titled “Global Friends for Peace”. In her books, Stacy’s goal is to create visibility for
children who are not typically found in children’s story books and teach tolerance at an early age. You
can find Stacy’s books on YouTube under “Global Friends for Peace”.
Stacy holds a B.A. in International Relations from U.C. Santa Barbara, an M.B.A. with a focus on
Management from Concordia University, and a M.A. with a focus on Peace Education studies from the
Universidad Para La Paz. Stacy is currently a doctoral candidate at the Universidad Para La Paz.