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Inclusion - The Global Imperative

Enter the fast-paced global business economy with an internal workforce strategy to capture emerging markets and sell more products and services.

Inclusion Creates Business Advantage.

A company is only as good as its employees - fully engaged and productive - to meet the demands of business today. An inclusive workplace culture and workforce strategy increases your competitive edge. Here’s how:

  • Diversity of thought spurs innovation

  • Collaboration and participation among employees creates a more productive and loyal workforce

  • Top team inclusion is linked to greater financial performance

  • Collective intelligence leverages the individual to generate comprehensive solutions


If you want to benefit from inclusion and diversity, you need to ask the right questions. What innovation needs to occur for you to reach your growth markets? Where is the organizational knowledge you need to tap into these markets? How are you going to market and sell your products or services to emerging markets? Most of all, how can you mobilize your diverse workforce to help you grow the business?

Despite years of hard work and many good intentions, today’s workforce is still fraught with many of the same issues we’ve been talking about. Organizations
around the country have been focusing on diversity and inclusion for a long time—for years, for decades. And yet, many organizations despite their best intentions, concerted efforts, and significant investments in people and programs are not achieving the results they desire.


It wasn’t just one thing that led us to this “stuck state” and it is not just one thing that will help us push past it. Making real progress on diversity at every career stage will require intentionality and a strategic approach.

In a fast-moving, technology-driven world younger generations have come to expect—even demand—that their voices be heard. Then they enter the workforce! Leaders in the 21st century must become comfortable with inviting participation and collaboration without fear of “losing authority.” They must learn to embrace the diverse viewpoints of all member of their workforce and relinquish the old “command and control” style of management.

Overcoming the "Stuck State"

Workforce 2.0



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